Instant Justice
Instant Justice is a company set up exclusively to represent current and ex-service personnel in their fight to gain compensation for negligence resulting in injury they may have suffered during their time of service.

Who We Are?
The company was set up by Jon Winters and James Lewis who, between themselves have over 25 years of experience pursuing claims for noise induced hearing loss and you are therefore guaranteed to be ensured of the best possible service.
Do I Qualify?
To assess your eligibility for a Military Noise Induced Hearing Loss (M-NIHL) and/or Tinnitus claim, the first step is to contact us for an initial FREE consultation. We will start by discussing your circumstances and advise you accordingly.

Military personnel are often exposed to noises such as gunfire, mortars, bombs, artillery, aircraft and vehicle engines and machinery. Many do not always have the benefit of hearing protection and even if provided they may have been sub-standard. This can lead to hearing loss and tinnitus.
A key date to consider is May 1987 as beforehand, military personnel were prevented from making personal injury claims against the Crown. Therefore, providing the majority of your exposure was after May 1987, you may be able to pursue a military hearing loss claim.
To make a M-NIHL claim, you need to have served in the Forces (this also includes the Territorial Army and Reserves). Your job title or position whilst serving is irrelevant, as long as you had some type of exposure to noise, normally to weapons firing, even if just during basic training.
It does not matter if your symptoms are only minor at the moment; it is important to consider how they may deteriorate and affect you in the future. If following a previous hearing test you were assured that your hearing was satisfactory, that does not mean that is the case today. M-NIHL can progress at an accelerated rate after the exposure occurred. Any current diagnosis will be based on any hearing test carried out now.

If you would like to discuss a claim with us:
We will provide you with FREE initial advice. If we find that you have grounds to make a claim then we will offer a No Win No Fee agreement which means that you will pay nothing if your claim is unsuccessful.
James Lewis : 07399 243959
James Lewis :